Monday, June 1, 2009

Sewing and Running

The sewing and running combo is back. Today--post-marathon run #2 was successful. My husband joined me for a really nice 4 mile run around the cemetary again after work. I must be getting faster because he decided to run with me the whole way despite my encouragement to feel free to leave me. It felt good. We had a great post-run dinner of chicken sausage and roasted bell pepper pasta with beer from Burlington.

And, some sewing. I have a rather large pile of pants that need altered for myself, a neighbor, and my huband. I think it is about 8 pairs. So, the marking and seam ripper in hand, I at least got started. Plus, in 10 minutes I was able to reduce my marathon t-shirt by at least a size taking 1.5 inches off each side. At least it doesn't look like a night shirt now:)

There Goes Another One

Hmm, looks like the rain and pounding on my poor toes during the marathon has resulted in two black toenails. Not uncommon and yes, this has happened before, but does not help the arguement that running makes you better all over--not quite from your head all the way to your feet:) So, solution. . . paint the toes the darkest red I can find and wait a month or two for new toenails. These will probably come off within an month and then look like what I guess alien toenails look like for a bit. Sorry readers--no photos for this post:)

A Week Later

The first week after the marathon went about as I expected. I was definitely sore on Monday and a little on Tuesday, but quickly learned that moving around was my best friend. I went back to work on Tuesday, but each hour I got up and walked around which helped keep me from getting stiff. Wednesday, I even worked out for 25 minutes at lunch pedaling on a stationary bike which did wear me out. I also found that I was generally worn out each day and requiring more sleep than usual--almost like when you are coming down with something or just getting over a bug.

Saturday was my first "run" post marathon. I went out for a run with my husband and ran with him for a mile "warm up" before he set out for slightly faster speeds and I continued slowly around our favorite cemetery. As a side note, the cemetery is a beautiful place to run--the pathways are asphalt, the grounds are well managed, there is a pond and tons of shade, and it is quiet with very little traffic. I managed to continue on for 45 minutes traveling a little over 4 miles (I even made it up and down a couple of small hills). Slow, but not bad. My body felt good and it was so nice to get the legs moving again. Ahh, nap time!