Friday, February 5, 2010

Can't Have It Both Ways

The rest of the country is apparently getting hammered with snow and there is nada on the ground in New England. Snow shoe races are being canceled or being run as cross country races instead. I don't think we have had a inch or more of covering since early January. We have had some flurries so at least that is nice, it makes me smile whenever it comes down and the last time I was running along the Charles when it came down and it was so beautiful! I loved running on the path with the flakes falling and it covering everything in a pretty light white coating. They even plow the Charles River running path! They didn't bring out plows for the streets but this nice man was in his mini snow plow tractor thing and driving it along the path. Yet, the lack of snow and rain, lets face it the rain is worse, has led to some great running conditions. Today's run was perfect. It was about 20 degrees with the sun and was wonderful.

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