Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Countdown Continues

The marathon countdown is in full swing. My last long run was over a week ago and the tapering has begun--last week I cut back to 80% of my highest mileage and this week cut back again running about 50% of my highest mileage. I'll log just 20 miles this week. On Mother's Day I logged 13.5 miles after a long walk with my favorite two and four legged men. My pup Otis woke me with kisses and then my husband treated me to a fabulous brunch at the Cheesecake Factory out on the patio. I had amazing french toast that helped motivate me towards that run:) The run went fabulously--each mile naturally got a little faster without me working too hard at it or thinking about it, I just chugged along. Unfortunately some new socks resulted in a bad blister that will require some gentle treatment in the next two weeks.

I also spent some time sewing. I "logged" about 6 hours at the sewing machine Saturday. Once again running and sewing met as I took in some running shirts from a couple of races and then took in some shirts from my chubbier days that I didn't get to last summer. Plus, I finally put together some pajama pants I cut out at Christmas time. They were perfect for Mother's Day weekend since they have paw prints all over them and match my "Rottweiler Mom" t-shirt!

More to come as I get closer and closer to the big day.


Katie said...

I think we need to see a pic of the new pajama pants and rottweiler mom t-shirt!!!

MJ said...

Working on it--thanks Katie!